How to Fully Uninstall Cocoapods from macOS


You run pod update but you get command not found error.

You want to fully uninstall the Cocoapods from macOS, and then to reinstall it to remove the error.


Execute below commands:

for i in $( gem list --local --no-version | grep cocoapods );
    sudo gem uninstall $i; 
rm -rf ~/.cocoapods

If you have a Cocoapods icon on the Launchpad then

    • Click on the  Cocoapods icon on the Launchpad,
    • Right click the Cocoapods icon in the Dock,
    • Point your mouse to Options, then click Show in Finder,
    • Right click the Cocoapods icon and select Move to Trash.

Execute below command to reinstall Cocoapods

sudo gem install cocoapods


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