Tag Archives: PC

How to transfer Photos from iPhone to PC with highest quality

Problem: Images copied directly from iPhone to a PC usually have lower quality in comparison with the original quality due to format conversion.

You want to preserve the quality as high as possible.


  1. Connect iPhone to a MacBook.
  2. Open Photos app.
  3. Click on iPhone’s name under Devices section on the left.
  4. Select photos on the right.
  5. Select Import to = Library or New Album.
  6. Click on Import N Selected button, where N is the number of selected photos, to Import photos from iPhone to iPhotos.
    • The imported photos will be copied from iPhone to iPhotos.
    • You have to manually delete the photos directly from iPhone if you want to permanently remove them from iPhone.
  7. Click on an album name on the left menu in iPhotos.
  8. Select the imported images in the album.
  9. Click File > Export > Export N Photos… (N is a number) to export photos from iPhotos to a folder on MacBook.
    • Select Arrow icon at the end of Photo Kind
    • Select PNG
    • Select Color Profile = Original
    • Select Size = Full Size
    • Select Movie Quality = 4K
  10. Click the Export button.
  11. Enter a folder name.
  12. Click the Export button. Wait for the exporting process to be completed by reviewing the circle icon in the toolbar.
  13. Share the folder in a LAN.
  14. Copy the folder to a PC.