How to Install Windows XP from a USB Flash Drive?

Why install Windows XP?

Sometimes you do need Windows XP for some specific tasks. For example running and testing old programs, a specific program, using your old computer for a specific task.

This is a  short guide to install Windows XP from a USB flash drive.


1. Windows XP installation files (you can use any Windows XP disc or ISO file).

2. file (download)

3. A USB flash drive of at least 2 GB (The best size is 1GB or 2GB. Some old computers do not allow to boot from USB having size being larger than 1GB).

4. A Windows 7 OS or a previous version.


1. Attach the USB to your computer

2. Unzip and run HpUSBformat.exe (this program can only be run under Windows 7 or a previous version), select below option values

  • File system: FAT
  • Volume label: SYSTEM
  • Select “Create a DOS Start up disk”
  • Select radio button “Using DOS system files located at:”
  • Enter the path where you have extracted files (Give the path of DOS folder).

3. Copy all other files from DOS folder to your USB disk (you can overwrite the existing ones).

4. Copy all the Windows XP installation files (I386) to the USB drive.

5. Boot system from the USB disk (you may need to adjust your BIOS for this).

6. Type fdisk, hit Enter and follow the instructions to create a partition for a new XP installation.

7. Type format d:/s to format the partition in the 6th step. If the partition already exists then use command format d:/q/s.

8. Type cd I386 and hit Enter to go to the I386 folder.

9. Type winnt and hit Enter.

10. Follow the screen instructions.

Important note: Your hard drive size should be less than 128Gb.

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