Tag Archives: Without Re-Encoding

How to Trim or Cut MP4 Files Without Re-Encoding


  • You have MP4 files with unwanted portions. You want to trim these portions.
  • You want to cut a MP4 file into files with equivalent length for uploading to specific storage that limits length of an uploaded video.

Solution for trimming MP4 file:

  1. Download XMedia Recode.
  2. Unzip the downloaded package.
  3. Click on the XMedia Recode.exe file to open the application.
  4. Open a MP4 file.
  5. Under the Format tab set
    Profile = Custom
    Format = MP4
    File Extension = mp4
  6. Click the Video tab and set Mode = Copy on the middle panel.
  7. Click the Audio tab and set Mode = Copy on the middle panel.
  8. Click the Filters/Preview tab and set Start Time and to (End Time) value text boxes.
  9. Click the Add to queue button (with the + icon) on the tool bar.
  10. Click the Encode button on the tool bar.

Solution for splitting MP4 file to multiple files with equivalent length:

    1. Download XMedia Recode.
    2. Unzip the downloaded package.
    3. Click on the XMedia Recode.exe file to open the application.
    4. Open a MP4 file.
    5. Under the Format tab set
      Profile = Custom
      Format = MP4
      File Extension = mp4
    6. Click the Video tab and set Mode = Copy on the middle panel.
    7. Click the Audio tab and set Mode = Copy on the middle panel.
    8. Click the Filters/Preview tab and specify appropriate time range for each file, for example from 00:00:00:0000 to 00:09:00:0000.
    9. Click the Add to queue button (with the + icon) on the tool bar.
    10. Click the Encode button.

    Repeat the procedure for the same file with different time ranges.

    For example use time range from 00:09:00:0000 to 00:18:00:0000 for creating the second file, then time range from 00:18:00:0000 to 00:27:00:0000 for creating the third file, etc.