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Topic 23 – Introduction to Computer Vision

Why do I need to learn about computer vision?

Computer vision has become more and more interesting. Image recognition, autonomous driving, and disease detection are examples of breakthrough achievements in the field.

Nowadays a key skill that is often required from a software developer is the ability to use computer vision algorithms and tools to solve real-world problems related to images and videos.

What can I do after finishing learning about applied computer vision?

You will be to create software that could recognize recognize a face or transform a picture of young person to old person.

That sounds fun! What should I do now?

Please read
– this Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods (2018). Digital Image Processing. 4th Edition. Pearson book, and
– this Richard Szeliski (2022). Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications. Springer book.

At the same time, please
– audit these Deep Learning Specialization courses and
– read this Francois Chollet (2021). Deep Learning with Python. Manning Publications book, and
– this Michael A. Nielsen (2015). Neural Networks and Deep Learning. Determination Press book.

After that please read this David Foster (2023). Generative Deep Learning – Teaching Machines To Paint, Write, Compose, and Play. O’Reilly Media book.

After that please read this Ian Goodfellow et al. (2016). Deep Learning. The MIT Press book.

Terminology Review:

  • Digital Image: f(x, y)
  • Intensity (Gray Level): ℓ = f(x, y)
  • Gray Scale: ℓ = 0 is considered black and ℓ = L – 1 is considered white.
  • Quantization: Digitizing the amplitude values.
  • Sampling: Digitizing the coordinate values.
  • Representing Digital Images: Matrix or Vector.
  • Pixel or Picture Element: An element of matrix or vector.
  • Deep Learning.
  • Artificial Neural Networks.
  • Filter: 2-dimensional matrix commonly square in size containing weights shared all over the input space.
  • The Convolution Operation: Element-wise multiply, and add the outputs.
  • Stride: Filter step size.
  • Padding.
  • Upsampling: Nearest Neighbors, Linear Interpolation, Bilinear Interpolation.
  • Max Pooling, Average Pooling, Min Pooling.
  • Convolutional Layers.
  • Feature Maps.
  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).
  • Object Detection.
  • Face Recognition.
  • YOLO Algorithm.
  • Latent Variable.
  • Autoencoders.
  • Variational Autoencoders.
  • Generators.
  • Discriminators.
  • Binary Cross Entropy Loss Function, Log Loss Function.
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).
  • Mode Collapse.
  • Earth Mover’s Distance.
  • Wasserstein Loss (W-Loss).
  • 1-Lipschitz Continuous Function.
  • CycleGAN.
  • Neural Style Transfer.

After finishing learning about computer vision please click Topic 24 – Introduction to Nature Language Processing to continue.